© Luke Maciak

Minion Academy

Below you will find procedurally generated minions / npc's who are ready to do your bidding. Feel free to tweak and modify them to your liking and use them in your games.

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Elanor Gamdybuck

Halfling Female
Sage, Commoner


Blue eyes, tan skin. Pleasantly plump.
Hair: short braids, gray

Weapons: Troll Iron Sword.
Armor: troll bone chainmail vest (chainmail)

Female Sage

Hamson Branrows

Halfling Male
Ranger, Noble

Prideful. Hates hot weather.

Green eyes, dark brown skin. Thin and wiry.
Hair: short, blonde

Weapons: Mithril Sword, Crossbow.
Armor: quilted wool cloak (cloth)

Male Ranger

Ilidilir the Springstar

Elf Female
Diplomat, Commoner

Greedy, Stubborn. Hates snow storms. Fears fire.

Black eyes, dark brown skin. Muscular.
Hair: shoulder length, brown

Weapons: Iron Sabre.
Armor: master crafted scalemail shirt (scalemail)

Female Diplomat

Jon Walk

Human Male
Diplomat, Commoner

Loyal, Polite.

Brown eyes, dark brown skin. Thin and wiry.
Hair: long braid, black

Weapons: Goblin Iron Dagger, Crossbow.
Armor: banded mail vest (chainmail)

Male Diplomat


Ogre Female
Bard, Commoner

Cowardly, Humble. Hates Orcs. Fears spiders.

Black eyes, pale and freckled skin. Short and stocky.
Hair: short mane, black

Weapons: Rapier, Lute.
Armor: studded leather jacket (leather)

Female Bard

Ruz a Taralax

Goblin Female
Fighter, Noble


Black eyes, gray skin. Small ears.
Hair: top knot, dark green

Weapons: Steel Double Handed Sword.
Armor: cold iron ornamental scalemale shirt (scalemail)

Female Fighter